Silkstone Primary School, High Street, Silkstone, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S75 4LR

01226 790333

Silkstone Primary School

A School with Soul



Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to everyone who received a certificate in our Celebration assembly today.  Children received Good Work certificates for their efforts and kindness, Writer of the Week for their amazing writing and a Maths certificate for completing our Jungle Maths series.  We are very proud of you all.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to everyone who received a certificate in our Celebration assembly today.  Children received Good Work certificates, Writer of the Week, Maths certificates and a special Headteacher's Golden certificate too.  Well done everyone we are extremely proud of you.

Barnsley Youth Choir

Children in Years 5 and 4 spent the afternoon learning two songs with Eleanor and Tom from Barnsley Youth Choir, which they then performed to their parents.  The singing was absolutely wonderful.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to everyone who received a certificate for their Good Work and for their fabulous writing this week.  We are very proud of you.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to everyone who received a certificate in our Celebration Assembly today; Good Work, Writer of the Week and Jungle Maths.  We are really proud of you.  Congratulations to our Year 3 and 4 footballers for superb teamwork in your Passport Four Sport Event

KS1 and Reception After School Craft Club.

We loved making our Winter pictures.

Celebration Assembly

Our first Celebration Assembly of the new school term.  Congratulations everyone who received a certificate.  An excellent start to 2025!

Celebration Assembly

Today we gave out our very special Golden Certificates.  These are given to one child selected by the class teacher each term.  A word that was heard often in the assembly was 'Always'.  These children children always try their best, they are always kind, they are always a good friend to others, they are always a good role model.  We are very proud of them.

Children who had great achievements outside of school also received a Golden Certificate; for playing their instruments at the Royal Albert Hall, winning dance and art competitions and being selected to play for Barnsley Boys.  

Wellbeing Warriors

Our new Wellbeing Warriors received their badges in assembly today.  They will be supporting children on the playground and be a good friend to everyone.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to everyone who received a certificate for their hard work and determination in our assembly today.  We are very proud of you all.

Celebration Assembly

In assembly today we had Good work certificates, Writers of the week and Jungle Maths champions.  Well done everyone.

Barnsley Children's Art Competition

Forty One schools entered the art competition and we were absolutely delighted to attend the presentation for Joules, who won first prize in her category with her wonderful picture of a Blue Whale.  She received a trophy, a silver plate for the school and a treasure chest of art materials to create more wonderful art work.  Congratulations.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to everyone who received a certificate in our Celebration Assembly today.  We are all really proud of you.  We also received a visit from Stephen Gates to present our school with the Barclay's Equal Access to Football trophy.

PTFA Spooky Discos

We all had a brilliant time at the Spooky discos.  We enjoyed dressing up, running around in the dark and playing games with our friends. 

PTFA Pumpkin Competition

We were overwhelmed by the amazing array of pumpkin designs and the number of super spooky pumpkins brought into school today for the Pumpkin Competition.  Choosing a winning pumpkin from each class was an impossible task.  Well done everyone.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to our Writers of the Week and everyone who received a Golden Certificate for their hard work.  We are very proud of you. This week we also had the winners of the PTFA Pumpkin Competition.

Our New School Council

KS1 Craft Club

We enjoyed making our space portals in Craft Club this week.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to our Writers of the Week and to everyone who received a certificate for their hard work this week.  We are very proud of you.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

We raised a magnificent £328.05 for Macmillan with our coffee morning, thanks to the very generous donations of cakes and biscuits.   We enjoyed eating the many delicious cakes and raising money for such a worthwhile cause.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to everyone who received a good work certificate this week, to our Writers of the Week and our Girl's Year 4 and 5 football team.  We are very proud of you all.

Celebration assembly.

Our first Celebration Assembly of the new term.  Congratulations everyone we are very proud of you and the great start you have made to this year.

Academic Year 2023 - 2024

Alice in Wonderland

After weeks of learning lines and practising it was finally showtime!  We all thoroughly enjoyed the KS2 production of Alice in Wonderland.  Everyone in Year Six delivered a wonderful performance and the audience were blown away by the wonderful singing by super singing and dancing from Years 3,4 and 5.  We are so proud of you all. 

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to everyone who received a certificate in assembly this week.  We had seven children nominated by their class teachers for the Headteacher Award, Year 6 fundraisers, Reading Challenge and Attendance certificates.  Well done everyone.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to everyone who received a certificate in assembly today: Good work, Writers of the Week and our KS2 Cricketers.  We are very proud of you all.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to everyone who received a certificate in our Celebration Assembly today, we are very proud of you all.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to everyone who received a certificate in our Celebration Assembly today, we are very proud of you all.

Celebration Assembly

This week there were certificates for our Times Tables Champions from TT Rockstars battle of the bands, Writers of the Week and Good work certificates with the hard work and dedication of Year 6 during Sats week recognised.  Well done everyone, we are very proud of you.

Celebration Assembly

It was a packed assembly with lots to celebrate: Times Tables Champions, Writers of the Week, Golden Certificates, Sporting Certificates, Walk to School Badges and a Headteacher's Award too.  Congratulations everyone.

Four Girls One World

A new greenhouse, bird bath and bird feeding station were bought for our school garden with money raised by Four Girls One World to help support wildlife and improve our outdoor environment.  Thank you.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to everyone who received a certificate for their hard work in our assembly this week and for our Writers of the Week for their super writing.  We are very proud of you all.

Headteacher's Awards

Congratulations to all the children who were awarded the Headteacher's Award for this term. You have all been absolutely brilliant and a credit to our school.  Congratulations.

Celebration Assembly

It was a jam-packed assembly with Attendance certificates, Walk to School Badges, Reading Challenge Winners, Raffle winners and Rugby certificates awarded today.  Well done everyone for all your efforts.

Four Girls One World

Fabulous fundraising from Four Girls One World.  They organised the event themselves and raised a fantastic £205 to be shared between Tree Nation and our School Garden.  You are all Superstars!

World Book Day

At Silkstone Primary we love to read and listen to stories.  We celebrated World Book day by taking part in national book reading lessons and quizzes, sharing our favourite books with others, a book swap and of course dressing up as our favourite book characters.

Celebrations Assembly

Congratulations to everyone who received a certificate in our Celebration assembly this week.  We are very proud of you.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to our new Reading Ambassadors, our Writers of the Week and the recipients of our Celebration Certificates.  We are very proud of you all.

Young Voices at Sheffield Arena

We had the best time at Young Voices.  We sang our heats our and thoroughly enjoyed performing in the concert and watching the entertainers and musicians.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to all our children who received a Certificate this week in Celebration Assembly.   We are very proud of you all.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to those children who received a certificate this week.  It was a busy assembly with our Stars of the Week awarded for their hard work and kindness, our Writers of the Week, our Year 5 and 6 Sports Hall Athletics team who came 3rd in their Passport 4 Sport competition and everyone in Year 6 who completed their Bikeability training.  Our Young Voices choir sang their 'Walking Medley too.   We are very proud of you all.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to those children who were awarded a Star of the Week certificate for their hard work and kindness and also to our Writers of the Week and our KS1 Multisports Team for their efforts in their Passport 4 Sport competition.  We are very proud of you all.

Headteachers Awards.

Congratulations to all the recipients of the Headteacher's Award.  This award is given out at the end of every term to one individual in each class who has worked really hard, shown resilience and determination to succeed and been a good friend and role model to others.  These children always strive to be their best selves and we are really proud of them.

The Big Little Nativity

Our Reception and Key Stage One children  brought joy to everyone who watched their Nativity performances.  There was enthusiastic singing, wonderful acting and some great music from the band.  It was a perfect start to Christmas.   We are so proud of each and every child; learning all the words to the songs and singing so beautifully.  Those children with speaking parts and the narrators had learned their lines and delivered them  clearly and confidently - bringing a smile to everyone's face..

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to everyone who received a certificate in our Celebration Assembly this week.  Children received certificates for their hard work, effort, resilience and kindness, the Year 3/4 Dodgeball Team received certificates for Second Place in their recent inter-school competition and we also had three wonderful Writers of the Week, whose work we read out to inspire others.  Well done everyone we are really proud of you all.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to everyone who received a certificate for their hard work, effort and kindness this week.  We are very proud of you all.

Celebration Assembly

So many certificates this week; Good Work, Art competition winners, Writers of the Week, Times Tables Champions, Bench Ball Silver Medallists and a Headteachers Award!   Congratulations to everyone on your fantastic achievements.  We are very proud of you.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to everyone who received a certificate for their efforts and achievements this week and our two Writers of the Week.  Huge congratulations to the three recipients of the Headteacher's Golden Certificates for their sporting and fundraising achievements.   We were delighted to receive two special visitors from Barnsley Hospice, who came to present a giant cheque to our three Year 6 fundraisers.  They were very surprised.

Spooky Discos.

Everyone enjoyed getting dressed up and had a wonderful time at our Spooky Discos.  There were some super costumes and great teamwork on display in our 'Wrap the Mummy' game.  Thank you to the PTFA for organising such a great event


We were so impressed with all the amazingly creative pumpkins that were entered in our PTFA pumpkin competition. Well done everyone for your wonderful creations.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to everyone who received a certificate in assembly for Good Work and Writer of the Week.  We also presented our new Wellbeing Warriors with their badges and celebrated the success of our Year 5/6 Tag Rugby team who won their Passport 4 Sport tournament.  Well done everyone, we are very proud of you all.

Barnsley Boys

We are very proud that one of our Year 5 pupils has been selected to play football for Barnsley Boys.  Wear your tie with pride - we are very proud of you.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to our Writers of the Week and everyone who received an Achievement Certificate in our assembly this week.  We are very proud of you all.

Celebration Assembly

We had lots to celebrate in our Celebrations Assembly today.  This morning every child in school had run a mile to raise money for Macmillan - I was super impressed by how well everyone did (including some of the teachers).  We were also really proud of our fantastic girls football team who brought home the biggest cup from their win yesterday at the Penistone Passport For Sport Competition.  It is proudly displayed in our school hall.  Congratulations to everyone chosen by their class teachers to receive a certificate for their hard work and positive attitudes this week.  We also listened to some super Writing of the Week, which will be displayed in the Hall.  Well done everyone - what a super week for Silkstone!

Introducing our new School Councillors and Eco Warriors.

Congratulations everyone, we know you will work extremely hard to make a positive contribution to our school and make it the best it can be.  Well done.

Academic Year 2021 - 2022

The Summer Fayre

I think everyone agreed that this Summer Fayre was the best ever.  We all enjoyed all the many stalls and activities on offer.  The barbeque, bar and ice-cream van were extremely popular.  The band, disco and visits from the fire and police services and a demonstration from the Swifts ensured that a wonderful time was had.  Enormous thanks to the PTFA for organising such a brilliant event.

UEFA England vs Austria at Old Trafford.

We had an absolutely brilliant time watching England beat Austria 1-0 in the opening round of the UEFA Women's football at Old Trafford.  

Drama Workshops at the Lowry

As part of our visit to Salford we went to the Lowry centre and participated in drama workshops.  We all really enjoyed them.

The Platinum Jubilee.

We had a wonderful day celebrating Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee.  Our school cooks provided a jubilee lunch which was delicious.  We dressed up in red, white and blue or as princes and princesses and enjoyed jubilee activities.  We participated in a Jubilee concert with each class performing a song or piece of music.  Every child was awarded a commemorative jubilee coin kindly provided by the Parish Council.  It was a day to remember.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to everyone who received a certificate in our celebration assembly today.  We are very proud of your achievements.

Save the Frogs

Inspired by their learning about endangered species in rainforest a group of Year 6 pupils decided to take action and help save the frogs.  They made posters, spoke in assembly to publicise a fundraising cake stall.  There was a variety of delicious cakes, flapjacks and banana bread on sale as well as badges, magnets and bookmarks.  The group raised £165.00 for the charity Froglife.  We are really proud of their fundraising achievements and their commitment to improving our world.  Well done everyone.


In Celebration Assembly today we awarded our good work certificates and Times Tables Champions certificates. We also listened to a lovely rendition of Country Roads as part of our weekly Talent Showcase.  Well done everyone, we are really proud of you.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to everyone who received a certificate in our Celebration Assembly today.

Year 6 Netball Tournament.

Our Netball team played brilliantly in their first tournament against other local schools and finished second.  They worked together as a team and delivered some excellent passing of the ball, marking their opponents and scored loads of goals.  Well done everyone.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to everyone who received a certificate in our Celebration Assembly today.

World Book Day

We enjoyed sharing our favourite books on World Book Day.

Our Golden Certificate was awarded in recognition of the help and support this pupil gives every week in the Dining Room in her role as Lunchtime Assistant. Well done!