Silkstone Primary School, High Street, Silkstone, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S75 4LR

01226 790333

Silkstone Primary School

A School with Soul

Welcome to Class Five 


Welcome to Class Five

Our class team is Mrs Wilde and Mrs Stanway,

We are excited to begin our learning journey together. We are all about the positive in Year 5 -The adults and children have come up with a class charter based on kindness, respect and hard work. Children will be rewarded with certificates and Dojos to acknowledge their individual efforts. In addition, we encourage the whole class to support each other to be the best they can be. Children will collectively earn class points and this will be rewarded with a class treat voted on by the class each half term.

We actively encourage the children to read regularly at school and at home. In school, we will read every day from our class novel. In addition, we will have daily whole class reading lessons and once a week the children will have Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) time. There is a range of books available for the children to choose from in the classroom and we are always open to suggestions from the children to enhance our range of choice. We are also happy for children to use their own books from home as part of their weekly reading.

To support reading, we also expect children to read regularly at home and ensure that their reading record is in school daily. Please help us to celebrate your children’s reading by commenting in their reading record. Children will be set a reading challenge each half term and will be entered in to a draw to potentially win a prize.

Homework will be weekly spellings – these are set on spellings shed and will be the age-related Year 5/6 spellings. Additional support will be given in class with targeted lessons. We ask that children learn these at home to strengthen their learning. In year 5 individual times tables are not sent home, but we expect children to be able to know and use them. Please support your child with these.

Swimming will be on Thursday afternoons, so please ensure your child has their swimming kit in school every Thursday. PE is on a Wednesday, so please make sure your child brings their PE Kit on this day.

We are happy to meet with any parent if you have any enquiries. If it is a quick question, we will be at door before and after school. Also you can send an email via the school email which will be passed on to us and we will respond via telephone, email or in person as appropriate.


We look forward to working with you all over the next year.

We are Artists

We have enjoyed creating Zines using imagery from the Berlie Doughtery poem, 'Ghost in the Garden'.  We selected our favourite lines from the poem and used acrylics and water colours to create our images.

Our Curriculum Map for the Spring Term

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We are Designers and Makers

We worked hard to design and make our CAMS Christmas toys.

Run for Epilepsy Action

We ran a mile around the school to raise funds for Epilepsy Action.  

We are Scientists.

In Class 5, we are learning about Forces in Science - this afternoon, we have created parachutes and thought about how air resistance affects how they fall to the ground. We got the large parachute out and explored how gravity and air worked to affect the parachute. We also used our knowledge of air resistance to build a little parachute den - it was so good, we let Year 1 have a go too. Lots of fun and lots of learning - a perfect afternoon. 

Curriculum Information Autumn Term 2024

Academic Year 2023-2024

Curriculum Overview 2024

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Red Nose Day Cookies
As part of our DT learning we made biscuits and sold these, Thank you to a very generous donation from Asda, we were able to donate the full amount of £173 to Comic Relief. 
World Book Day
We had a great day dressing up and we really enjoyed reading with children from other classes

Street Dance

We loved our street dance workshop today.

Fabric Lenny

We worked with the artist Fabric Lenny to create these wonderful pieces of art linked to Windrush as part of our topic on the British Empire and the important contribution made to our culture and country.

Opera North

We had so much fun with Marie-Claire and Peter at our first Opera North rehearsal - we love the quirky Wonderland Restored and cannot wait to perform at Barnsley Metrodome in July.

Curriculum Map Spring Term

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Father Christmas

We enjoyed having a chat with Father Christmas when he came to visit us.


In PE - we have been learning Bollywood dance moves - we have been using the music Jai Ho and Spice up your Life - both great for doing our specialist move of Shimmying! 

Reading for Pleasure

We have enjoyed our Class book so much; we wrote a persuasive letter to Mrs Adams to get some more books by the same author.  She was so impressed she said 'Yes'.

Typography and 3D designs

In Art, we have learned about typography and map work and linked this to our work on Mountains and Everest - we created 3D models that were so brilliant we held a little impromptu art exhibition for Mrs Dolan and Year 4 - we have created digital artwork from the models and will share these when we have perfected them.


In Science, we have been exploring the properties of different materials.

National CoalMining Museum

Children were exemplary and a credit to Silkstone - enjoyed learning about the Victorian workers in the mine and meeting Sam - whose family were actually very prolific in instigating change and better conditions in the Welsh Mines. We loved meeting the pit ponies, especially Flynn - who was huge! We also learnt how to protect our packed lunches from rats - which linked brilliantly to our learning in Science about properties of materials.

Self Portraits

We are incredibly proud of our self portraits, created in the style of Romero Britto.

Dan the Skipping Man

We enjoyed learning different skipping styles with Dan the Skipping Man.

Run for Macmillan

Well done everyone for running a mile to raise funds for Macmillan.

Curriculum Information for the Autumn Term

 Year 5 Autumn 23 Curriculum Letter.docxDownload
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