Silkstone Primary School, High Street, Silkstone, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S75 4LR

01226 790333

Silkstone Primary School

A School with Soul

Welcome to Class Three 


Hello and welcome to class 3 with Miss Heeley and Mrs Ellis.

In class 3 we will all work hard to make sure we feel proud of ourselves. To support this we will have a reward jar where children can earn a reward for their effort, work, kindness and much more! Once our class jar is full we will enjoy a treat together as a reward for our hard work.

Spellings will be set each Friday ready for looking at and focusing on in class the following week. There will not be a weekly spelling test. Spelling rules will be taught and the children will be encouraged to use the weekly words in their written work during that week and beyond. Please continue to support your child at home with these spellings, they will also be available on Edshed each week which helps children to learn their spellings in a fun and interactive way.

Reading books will be changed on a regular basis so children always have a book to share with you at home, please encourage your child to read to themselves and with you at least 3 times each week. Reading helps us to learn new things, takes us places we haven’t been and helps us to create our own stories. Please bring reading records to school each week on your child’s designated day for monitoring and book swap.

Our PE days will be on Tuesday weekly and Thursday/Friday. These will alternate each week and I will use Class Dojo to keep you informed.

Labelling cardigans and jumpers would really help to relocate a missing item to the correct owner, I will encourage children to put jumpers and cardigans on their peg but it helps if they are clearly labelled – just in case they go for a walk!

Please can children all have a labelled water bottle in school every day. Children are often thirsty after playtimes.

It is also good to have wellies in school, please can these be kept in a labelled carrier bag with a peg to keep them clipped together.

Finally, please feel free to ask if you have any enquiries, big or small! we will be on the door before and after school and will be happy to help.


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Curriculum Map for Spring 2

 Spring 2 Curriculum map 2025.docxDownload
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We are designers and makers

Wheeled Vehicle: We enjoyed planning, designing and making a wheeled vehicle. We raced our vehicles in the hall to see how well they moved and if the pieces stayed together.

World Book Day

We all enjoyed dressing up as our favourite story character, sharing our books with friends and listening to stories on World Book Day.

Our Curriculum Map for the Spring Term

 Spring 1 2025.docxDownload
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Macmillan Coffee Morning

We enjoyed eating delicious cakes and raising money for Macmillan at our coffee morning.

We are Artists

Year 3 enjoyed making indoor sculptures using things around them like Andy Goldsworthy. We then went outside to create art work using natural materials.

We ran a mile for Epilepsy Action

We enjoyed running around the school to raise money for Epilepsy UK. We were really tired when we had finished and we all encouraged each other to keep going. 

We are Writers

We used our senses to enhance our creative writing.

Curriculum Information Autumn 2024

 Website class 3.docxDownload
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Academic Year 2023 - 2024

Mini Mudder

We all had a marvellous muddy time on our sponsored Mini Mudder.

We are Artists

Class 3 enjoyed making pictures in the style of LS Lowry. We used water colours, tracing paper, sketching pencils and oil pastels to make mixed media pictures. Year 5 came to look at our work and celebrate our success with this topic.

BBC Ten Pieces

This week we have been listening to a piece of music called Earth composed by Hans Zimmer. We have drawn what we imagine we can see when we listen to the music. We also used the boomwhackers to compose our own pieces of music. 


Class 3 enjoyed painting plant pots and planting seeds. We sold lots of our plants and hope everyone who bought one is enjoying watching them grow. 

Curriculum Overview Summer 2024

 Summer 1 Curriculum map 2024.pdfDownload
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We are Dancers

Class 3 enjoyed a street dance lesson today. We learned some new moves and enjoyed making a routine to music. 

We are Artists

Class 3 really enjoyed Fabric Lenny working with our class. We made mixed media pictures of a bison to link to our Stone Age topic. We used acrylic paint and posca pens to create our designs. 

Curriculum Map for Spring 2

 Spring 2 Curriculum map 2024.pdfDownload
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We are Historians

Class 3 had a great day at Creswell Crags. We enjoyed exploring a cave and learning about tools from the Stone Age. It was great fun trying to hunt a bison. We also identified rocks and grouped them in igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic and looked at their properties. It was a lovely day out and we all agreed it was a super way to learn more about the Stone Age. 

We are Scientists

Class 3 really enjoyed looking at the properties of rocks to find out what each rock was called. We tested the rocks to see if they were permeable or impermeable and recorded our results.

Curriculum Plan for the Spring Term

 Spring 1 Curriculum map.pdfDownload
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Woodwork in DT

Class 3 have really enjoyed using the tools to make a wooden frame. They worked safely and correctly used the tools supporting each other to make a super frame.

Father Christmas

We enjoyed having a chat with Father Christmas when he visited school.

We are Artists.
Here are some photos of us making outdoor sculptures inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. 
These photos were taken inside the classroom. We enjoy working on our own, in pairs and as a group. 

Bagshaw Museum

We had a fantastic time exploring the world of Ancient Egypt at the Bagshaw Museum. We worked as historians, learning about daily life and the beliefs and customs of the time.

Curriculum Information for the Autumn Term

 Autumn 2 Curriculum map.pdfDownload
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 Curriculum map class 3 Autumn 1.docxDownload
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