Silkstone Primary School, High Street, Silkstone, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S75 4LR

01226 790333

Silkstone Primary School

A School with Soul

Welcome to Class Six


Welcome to Class Six


Our teaching team is Mrs Ruddock on a Monday and Tuesday, Mrs Dolan on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and supported by Miss Turner throughout the week.

In class 6 we have a jewel jar and we can collect jewels when we are working well together as a table team and class team. Once we get 100 jewels we will get a class treat! The children can also earn individual rewards for effort and super listening.

We ask that the reading record is handed in on a Thursday so that we can see how reading is going at home. We truly believe that being able to read opens our mind up to new ideas, creative imaginations and the learning of new vocabulary. Reading with and to children is still so important and so where you can find time or opportunity to do this it will really benefit your child.

Now your child is in Year 6 they will be set spelling homework and either a reading comprehension or a maths task to do. The spellings will be on Spelling Shed and if you need a new log on please let school know.

This year, P.E will be taught on Tuesdays and Thursdays so your child will need to bring their PE kit to school on these days.

We are happy to meet with any parent if you have any concerns or queries and can often be found on the door before or after school if it is for a quick question. We look forward to working with you this year.

Many thanks

Mrs Dolan, Mrs Ruddock and Miss Turner


Design and Technology

We worked in pairs to make our moving vehicles.  We made careful measurements and safely used saws and glue guns to create our vehicles.  We use our knowledge of circuits to power the wheels and raced them in the playground to find the fastest.

Our Curriculum Map for the Spring Term

 Curriculum letter Spring 1 2025.docxDownload
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We are Artists

We created multi-layered textured self portraits after looking at the work of artist Mike Barrett.  We are really proud of our results.

We are Artists

We carefully measured our grids to scale up our silhouettes in preparation for creating our 3D sculptures.  After we had scaled up our pictures we used collage from previous mark making to fill the space.  We then had the challenge of turning our 2D drawing into 3D.  We are really proud of our animal creations.

Curriculum Map Autumn 2024

 Autumn term 2024 Yr 6 (1).docxDownload
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Robinwood Residential


The children have had a brilliant second day of activities worked so well as a team and being really supportive of each other.

We had a fabulous first day at Robinwood and after a good night's sleep are ready for another action-packed day.

We are all enjoying our tea after an afternoon filled with exciting activities..

Academic Year 2023 - 2024

Mini Mudder

We all had a brilliant time on the Mini Mudder.

Sports Day

We enjoyed taking part in all the races and cheering everyone on.

Curriculum Overview Summer 2024

 sum1 curriculum letter for parents (1).docxDownload
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Fabric Lenny

We worked with the artist Fabric Lenny to design and decorate our Greek Vases to reflect our daily lives.  We worked collaboratively using paint and inks to create our wonderful finished pieces.


We learnt lots of new moves in our streetdance workshop.

Chester Zoo

We visited Chester Zoo as part of our learning in Geography and our topic on South America and the Amazon.  We loved seeing all the different animals and learning about conservation.


We enjoyed our Bikeability training - learning to ride safely on the roads - ready for secondary school.

Curriculum Plan for the Spring Term

 Curriculum letter Spring 1.docxDownload
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Design Technology - Breadmaking

In DT we have researched, designed and baked our own Christmas bread. We sampled various breads including stollen, panettone and hot cross buns as part of our research and also used our ICT skills to find out about bread across the world. We then designed and baked our own bread and took it home for our families to try. Yum!

Design Technology - Ancient Greek Vases

As part of their topic on the Ancient Greeks, Class 6 have made some Greek vases using their modelling skills. In Art lessons we studied the designs and patterns of Greek pottery and then they designed and made their own using a balloon and Modroc. I’m sure you’ll agree they look fantastic but also the children displayed excellent teamwork shown throughout the making process.

Visit to Crucial Crew

Class 6 visited Crucial Crew where they took place in various scenarios involving road, water and fire safety, bus travel and even carried out a mock court trial. A great day was had by all on this informative and helpful visit.

Father Christmas

We enjoyed having a chat with Father Christmas when he visited us.

Bench-Ball Tournament

We are really proud of our Bench-Ball team who came second in their tournament against nine local teams as part of the Passport 4 Sport competition.  Everyone demonstrated excellent teamwork and tried their very best.  

Run for Macmillan

It was time for our annual charity run.  This year we all ran at least one mile to raise money for Macmillan.

Curriculum Information for the Autumn Term

 Year 6 Autumn.docxDownload
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