Silkstone Primary School, High Street, Silkstone, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S75 4LR

01226 790333

Silkstone Primary School

A School with Soul


Keeping children safe is a priority in our school and we have a number of policies to cover every aspect of safeguarding.  Our Safeguarding and Child Protection policy is updated annually in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education. Our robust safeguarding policies and practice ensure that all aspects of safeguarding are addressed from the physical environment, to safe relationships and online safety.  

Mrs Adams and Mrs Dolan are the Designated Safeguarding Leads in school.  We use CPOMS to record and track all incidents. 

Our strong school ethos ensures that children feel safe and happy in our school and know that they have trusted adults to talk to if they have a worry.  Mental Health and Wellbeing is a key curriculum driver.  Children have weekly PSHE lessons and Circle Time, which includes learning about personal safety, including online. Worry Monsters are in every classroom, our Wellbeing Warriors support children on our Buddy Benches at playtimes and Our Wellbeing Champion sees children on a 1:1 basis.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2024-2025

 2024 Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.pdfDownload
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Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024

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Safeguarding Policies

 Behaviour policy 2024.pdfDownload
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 child-on-child-abuse-sexual-violence-and-sexual-harrassment-addendum-1--1- (1).docxDownload
 physical-contact-and-restraint-1--1- (1).docxDownload
 Relationships and Sexual Health Education 2024.pdfDownload
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 attendance-policy 2024.pdfDownload
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 Children who have a medical need 2024.rtfDownload
 Esafety policy 2024.docDownload
 First Aid Policy 2024.docDownload
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Designated Safeguarding Leads