Silkstone Primary School, High Street, Silkstone, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S75 4LR

01226 790333

Silkstone Primary School

A School with Soul

Reception Class


Dear Parents and children,

Welcome to Class R, Silkstone.

Over the next few weeks, the children will be settling in, adapting to new routines, getting busy and making new friends.

They will be enjoying lots of time to explore provision and play both inside and out. In addition, they will have daily whole class phonics, topic and maths input on the carpet. With plenty of story and singing opportunities throughout each day.

Most days have something a bit special to that day;

Monday – Maths on Monday - (where we get busy playing games with a maths focus outside.)

Tuesday – Trolley Tuesday – (where we get busy practising our throwing, catching, aiming and skipping with small PE equipment.)

Wednesday – Wheels on Wednesday -

Thursday – Theatre Thursday – (where we get busy acting out our focus stories or putting on a dance, singing or gymnastics show.)

Friday – PE and Book bag day – the children will bring home 2 of our Top 50 Reception texts to share with a grown up. And from Friday 20th September a reading book too.

We usually do 2-3 welly walks per half term as well.

It is really helpful if children have wellies that just stay in school.

Please make sure your child’s clothing and belongings are named as it helps us match kit to kids when items are left abandoned.

I am always available for a quick chat at drop off or pick up, parents using wrap around care can always contact me via Mrs Price in the school office and I will email/call you back. Please do ask or let me know about anything that is concerning you.

Here’s to a happy first year in school for your children.


Kind regards

Mrs Drewery & Mrs Helliwell

Curriculum Map for Spring 2

 Spring 2 - How does your garden grow 2025.pdfDownload
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Our Curriculum Map for the Spring Term

 Spring 1 Explorers 2025.pdfDownload
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The Gruffalo

'A mouse took a stroll through the deep dark wood...'  We had an amazing morning with the Gruffalo!

A Great Start to the Term

We have had a busy start to our first term at school.  We are enjoying exploring all the different areas of learning and making new friends.

Curriculum Information Autumn term 2024

 A1 - all about me 24.docxDownload
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Academic Year 2023 - 2024

The Mini Mudder

We challenged ourselves to the Mini Mudder and got very, very muddy!

Sports Day

We all enjoyed taking part in the different races at Sports Day and cheering on our friends.

Curriculum Map Summer 2

 Summer 2 - Water.docxDownload
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Curriculum Plan Summer Term 2024

 Summer 1 FTC's 2023 (1).docxDownload
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Curriculum Map for Spring 2

 Spring 2 - How does your garden grow 2024.docxDownload
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We are Explorers.

We are Explorers


Curriculum Plan for the Spring Term

 Spring 1 Explorers 2024.pdfDownload
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Father Christmas

We all enjoyed having a chat with Father Christmas when he flew into school to visit us.

Getting busy and enjoying our learning.

Welcome to our new class

We have had a fabulous start to school.  We have been enjoying our new Clamber stack and exploring all the different areas of provision in our new class.

Curriculum Information for the Autumn Term

 EYFS Curriculum Sept 23.pdfDownload
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Reception Curriculum - a year at a glance.

 2023 -24 Year at a glance.pdfDownload
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