Silkstone Primary School, High Street, Silkstone, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S75 4LR

01226 790333

Silkstone Primary School

A School with Soul

Welcome to Class One

Welcome to Class One
In Class One, the children will be taught by Miss Jackson, and supported by Mrs Kay, our Teaching Assistant. Our priorities are for your child to feel happy, comfortable and safe in order to help them make the most of their learning. 
As a class we will be working towards ten whole class rewards, which the children will decide themselves. We will have a treasure bucket and children will receive a piece of treasure based on their positive behaviours in class. Once our bucket of treasure is full we will receive a whole class reward! Additionally, we will be using stickers and postcards as individual rewards when children have worked particularly well as a team or really hard individually. 
In art lessons we aim to get creative, which can sometimes be quite messy! If you have a spare old shirt or apron, then we would really appreciate these being brought into school to keep your child’s school uniform clean this year.
Please bring your PE kit to school every Wednesday and Friday. 
Please also only bring your school bags in on a Friday, as that is our homework and book changing day, and our cloakroom can be quite a squash and a squeeze. 
There are lots of wonderful online resources you can use to support learning at home including Purple Mash and Oxford Owl. 
I look forward to meeting you all.
Miss Jackson


Our Curriculum Map for the Spring Term

 Year 1 Curriculum Map Spring.docDownload
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We are Mathematicians

We have started to look at parts of a whole in class one. We have been working with our friends to find a whole and split the whole into parts.

We are Geographers

Class one have been learning about the locality of Silkstone. We have been looking at the differences between villages, towns and cities with the use of maps. We looked at a map of the school and then followed the map to find different spots around the school. We then looked at the difference between a map of the school and a map of the village. We used Lego to each create a house, shop or school and we put them together, making our own Lego village.

We are Scientists
Class one have been experimenting in our Science lessons over the last couple of weeks!  We have tested different materials to see if they are transparent or opaque. We had also experimented with different materials to see which material would be waterproof to make an umbrella. 

Mile Run for Epilepsy Action

We ran a mile around the school to raise funds for Epilepsy Action - we should all sleep well tonight.

We are artists!
In class one we have been exploring the work of Molly Haslund during our art lessons. We have used her work to inspire us to be artists.
Learning in Maths
In maths we are learning all about numbers to 100. We have been working in groups counting to 100, we have been using numicon to match our numbers along with the number blocks to count to 20. 

Curriculum Map Autumn Term 2024

 Year 1 Curriculum Map Autumn (2).docDownload
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Academic Year 2023 - 2024

The Mini Mudder

We had a marvellous and muddy time raising money in our sponsored Mini Mudder.

Sports Day

We enjoyed taking part in all the races and cheering on our friends.

Curriculum Overview Summer 2024

 curriculum map Summer 2024.docDownload
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We are Artists!

We enjoyed working with Fabric Lenny. We created continuous line face drawing in pen and then painted with water to create a watercolour ink effect. 


We are Artists 

We did rubbings with feathers and leaves and then cut them out and put them on a group piece of art that we had created together using oil pastels as part of our printing pathway.

Learning in Maths

We have been enjoying our learning in maths.  We have been creating number lines, using part / whole models and making eight in different ways.

Curriculum Plan for the Spring Term

 curriculum map spring term year 1.docDownload
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Father Christmas

We all enjoyed having a chat with Father Christmas when he came to visit us.

We are Scientists

Class begin their first lesson about our new science topic ‘Materials’. They talked about what they thought materials meant in talking pairs and then had to go and find things around the classroom that matched the word cards.


We are Readers

The children read their phonics books in class every day before taking them home.


We are Mathematicians

We are learning all about the numbers to 100. Some groups are using a 100 square to find missing numbers while other children are using Numicon to make numbers to 20.


We are Artists

In our first art lesson the children went outside to make spirals. We will be using circles and spirals to produce some artwork using pastels.