Silkstone Primary School, High Street, Silkstone, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S75 4LR

01226 790333

Silkstone Primary School

A School with Soul


Welcome to Class Two 

Welcome to Class 2

In Class 2, the children will be working with Miss Felton and Mrs Woodger. Our priorities are for your child to feel happy, safe and secure in order to help them make the most of their learning.
Please help us to develop your child’s independence, by allowing them to come into the cloakroom on their own each morning and get themselves organised. We will have a reward jar where children can earn a reward for their effort, work, kindness and much more! Once our class jar is full we will enjoy a treat as a reward for our hard work.
To help your child with their learning, it is really important that you hear them read at least three times a week at home, recording this in their reading record book, and support them in learning their spellings each week too. Children need to bring books in to change on a Friday. Homework for children in class 2 is reading, learning spellings and using times tables rock stars.
Our PE sessions for this half term will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday, so please make sure your child brings their PE kit on these days.  Thank you


World Book Day

We really enjoyed dressing up as our favourite book characters, sharing our books and listening to stories on World Book Day.

Our Curriculum Map for the Spring Term

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We worked hard in DT to design and make felt baubles. They will look lovely on our Christmas Trees!


We enjoyed taking part in The Nativity this year. We all worked hard to learn our lines and all the songs.

Cannon Hall

We enjoyed a visit to Cannon Hall. We were Victorian servants for the day. We made lavender bags, washed clothes in the laundry, made butter, cooked food in the kitchen and looked around in the hall itself. We had a great time!

Visit to Silkstone Church

We visited Silkstone Church today as part of our RE work. We looked for features in the Church and listened to a talk about the Huskar window.

We are Musicians

This term we have begun to learn how to play the recorder with Mrs Cohen from Barnsley Music Service.  It is very tricky but we have made an excellent start.

We are Artists

We looked at art in nature and made our own creations.

Epilepsy Action

We ran a mile around school to raise money for Epilepsy Action.  It was a long way but we kept going.

Curriculum Information Autumn 2024

 Class 2 AUTUMN TERM OVERVIEW 2024.docDownload
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Academic Year 2023 - 2024

Our Class Trip to Cleethorpes

We were really lucky that the rain stayed away so that we could have a fabulous time on the beach at Cleethorpes.  We played in the sand, ate fish and chips and ice-cream and enjoyed a ride on the Lollipop Express.

Mini Mudder

We all had a brilliantly muddy time taking on the Mini Mudder Challenge.

Sports Day

We all enjoyed taking art in the different races and cheering on our friends.

We are artists:

We used natural materials to create our own 'stick people'. 

We are Artists

We worked in pairs in our art lesson to create work called "Roots and Shoots". We used different materials to create our designs. 

Curriculum Overview Summer 2024

 Class 2 SUMMER TERM OVERVIEW 2024.docDownload
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RSPB Old Moor

We spent a wonderful day at RSPB Old Moor as scientists exploring the natural world.  We found lots of different creatures when pond dipping and identified them using a key.  We enjoyed bird spotting in the hide and watching the birds on the ponds.  

World Book Day

We enjoyed dressing up as our favourite story characters and immersing ourselves in reading on World Book Day.


We brought in 10 small items from home and had to sketch them carefully with pencils and pens in our sketch book.  We shared our results with Year 5, who gave us some constructive feedback.


We enjoyed our first gymnastics lesson, developing our balancing skills.

Curriculum Plan for the Spring Term

 Class 2 SPRING TERM OVERVIEW 2024.docDownload
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Father Christmas

We all enjoyed having a chat with Father Christmas when he came to visit us.


As part of our learning about the history of our local area we went for a walk around the village and looked at significant buildings.


We visited Silkstone Church as part of our learning in RE.


Making 2D shapes.


As part of our Science work, we were testing types of paper to see which one was most absorbent.

Running a Mile

We ran around the school six times to raise money for Macmillan and had a great time doing it.

DAN the Skipping Man

We all enjoyed our skipping workshop and have been using our new skipping ropes at playtime.

Learning new knowledge and skills

Class 2 are enjoying their Tuesday afternoons of recorders and PE.

Curriculum Information for the Autumn Term

 Class 2 AUTUMN TERM OVERVIEW 2023.docDownload
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